The are 11 known War Memorials / Rolls of Honour, or locations where there are mentions on family graves and Commonwealth War Graves, in Thornton. The Thornton War Memorial within the grounds of Thornton Cemetery has the most names. I have just acquired a photograph of the former New Road (i.e. Thornton Road) Congregational Church organ dedication / War Memorial.

Below the list of memorials is an index of all people remembered, and where details of each person can be seen.

Each memorial location has its own page. The memorials are:

Thornton War Memorial located in part of Thornton Cemetery

Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves

Thornton St. James (Bell Chapel) Churchyard War and Family Graves

Kipping Chapel Cemetery, off Thornton Road

Kipping Chapel – A combined Roll of Honour and War Memorial in Kipping Chapel. (Research in progress)

Thornton Methodist Church WW1 Roll of Honour

Thornton Grammar School War Memorial

The former Egypt United Methodist Church Stained Glass Memorial Window

The former New Road Congregational Church

The former Sacred Heart Roman Catholic War Memorial

The former Thornton Liberal Club

(updated 10 May 2023)

An index of the men and 1 woman remembered on these sites:

Arthur Ackroyd see Thornton St James (Bell Chapel) Churchyard

Harold Ackroyd see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Wille Ackroyd see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

James Alder see the former Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church War Memorial WW2

John T. Ackroyd see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1 (survived)

Joseph Ackroyd see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Robert Richardson Alston see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Alfred Ambler see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Clement Ambler see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John A. Ambler see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harold Andrews see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Benjamin Sydney Appleyard see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Armstrong see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Alfred Ashcroft see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

George Edward Ashcroft see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Ashton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Willie Austin see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Alfred Bairstow see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Hartley Bancroft see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Clarence Barker see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Thomas Vivien Barker see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Wilfred Barker see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Harry Barnard see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Kenneth Bateman see Kipping Chapel Cemetery off Thornton Road, WW2

Francis Bates see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John Battersby see Thornton War Memorial WW2

C. Bean see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Edmund R. Beecroft see Thornton War Memorial WW2

George Nicholson Beetham see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Bentham, (also known as Harry) see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Joseph Edward Bentham see Thornton War Memorial WW1

George W Bentley see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Edward Binns see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Albert Birch see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Percy Birch see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Wesley Birch see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Granville Bishop see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Harold Blake see Thornton War Memorial WW1

R(eginald) Booth see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Jonas Stansfield Bower see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ernest Box see Thornton War Memorial WW2

George A. Brian see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Frank Briggs see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Miles Briggs see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

(James) Edgar Brock see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Alfred Brook see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sowden Bulmer see Thornton War Memorial WW1

H(arry) S. Burke see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Oates Burrows see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Aaron Butson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Fred Butterfield see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Harry Butterfield see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Herbert Butterfield see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Laurie Butterfield see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ambler Carter see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves

F. Chapman see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial

Harry Clay see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Thomas Clay see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Leslie A. Clayton see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Willie Clayton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Wallace Clegg see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW2 (survived)

Harry Coates see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Herbert Coleman see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James Coles see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial

Alfred Collier see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Collier see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Joseph Conroy see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Cook see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Willie Cook see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Clive Coulson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

William Coulson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James Coulton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ernest Craven see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harry H. Craven see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Laurie Crossland see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Crossley see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Frank Dalby see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Dalby see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Morris Daniel see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James Davis see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Willie Dean see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Allen Dixon see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Clarence Dixon see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Granville Dixon see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Eli Dobson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ernest Dobson see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial

Fred Downs see Thornton War Memorial WW2

James Downs see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Downs see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

William Downs see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Patrick Doyle see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Arnold Drake see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Charles Drake, see the former New Road Congregational Church

Edwin Drake see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John Harold Drake see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Joseph Drake see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Maurice Drake see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Norman Drake see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Percy Drake see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Vernon Drake see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harold Ernest Drasdo see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Alfred Archer Driver see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Archie Driver see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Edgar Driver see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Arthur Duckett see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harry Dugmore see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James Dunn see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sampson Edmonson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Jack Egaar see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Richard H. Ellis see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Lewis Ellwood see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Willie Emmett see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Charles Farrar, D.C.M., see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Clarence Farrar see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harold Farrar see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Farrar see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Clement Feather see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Daniel Feather see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Edgar Feather see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Jack Feather see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Lewis Feather see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Sam Feather see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Frank Fielding see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James Fielding see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Fletcher see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Fletcher see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Walter Ernest Fletcher, DCM, C de G see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW1 (survived)

Ernest Frankland see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Bernard Gill see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial

William Gillbanks see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ewart Gledhill see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Edmund Goodison, M.M. see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Dennis Greaves see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Clifford Greenwood see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Greenwood see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Lancelot Greenwood see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sam Greenwood see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Edgar Haggas, M.M. see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Traverra Haggas see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Jack Hainsworth see Thornton War Memorial WW2

J. Alfred Hainsworth see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Frank Hallyburton see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Frank Hanlon see Thornton St James (Bell Chapel) Churchyard

James William Hannam see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Maurice Hanson, likely to be (John) Morris Hanson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Fred Hardcatle see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Fred Hardy see Thornton St James (Bell Chapel) Churchyard

Harold Hardy see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Joseph Hardy see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John H. Hare see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Edgar Harker see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Overend Harker see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Bert Harrison see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Charles Harrison see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Jasper Harrison see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Irvine Hartley see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Edward Heap see Thornton War Memorial WW1

William Heaton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

William H. Helliwell see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Job Hesseldon see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harold Hey see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Jonas Hey see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Alfred Hill see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Dewhirst Hill see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John R. Hill see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John Hindle see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James W. Hitchen see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Geoffrey Hodgson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James Holdsworth see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Peter J. Hollingsworth see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Raistrick Holmes see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Wilfred Holroyd see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Henry L Hudson see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Walter Hudson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Hurley see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Illingworth see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Jonas Illingworth see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Joseph Illingworth see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Fred Ingham (1) see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Fred Ingham (2) see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Willie Ingham see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Ingham Iveson, M.M., see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW1 (survived)

Joseph T. Jackman see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Charles Jackson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

George Frederick Jackson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

George Henry Jackson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Thomas Jackson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ben Jennings see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Clarence Jennings see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Stephen Henry Johnson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Alfred Jowett see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Edgar Jowett see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Wallace Jowett see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Wilfred Jowett see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW2

(Charles) Neville Jolly see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Fred Kellett see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Kenneth Kellett see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Herman Kershaw see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Norman Kershaw see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

William Robinson Kirk see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sydney Kitchen see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Frank Knapton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Fred Knapton see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harold Knapton see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Maurice Knapton see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Thomas Knapton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Willie Knapton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ernest Law see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Herbert Laycock see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Arthur Laytham see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Percy Laytham see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Herbert Layton see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Eddie (Eddy) Leach see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ernest Leach see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Frank Leach see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James Leach see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John E. Leach see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Morris (Maurice) Leach see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Norman Leach see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Percy Leach see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Redham Leach see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James Harold Lee see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John Lee see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Thomas Lee see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Linfoot see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Charlie Long see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Horace Long see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Thomas Edward Mackrill see Thornton War Memorial WW2

John Stanley May See Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW2

Edgar Mercer Mellor see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sydney Metcalf see Thornton War Memorial WW1

William James Metcalf see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

G. Milnes see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial

Harold Milnes see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Albert William Simpson Mitchell see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Arthur Mitchell see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Wilfred Morrell see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur William Munro see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Colin John Murray see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Harold Naylor see Thornton War Memorial WW1

George Nicholson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Nicholson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John W Normington see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Frank Northrop see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Geoffrey William Northrop see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harold Northrop see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Northrop see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James Northrop see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

John Eric Northrop see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Albert Ogden see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John Ogden see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Joseph Ogden see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Robert Travers O’Neill see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW2

Harry Owen see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Lawrence A. Passman see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Frank A Pearson see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

James Arthur Pearson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Phillips see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Albert Pickles see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Herbert Pickles see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Luther Pickles see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herbert Pimm see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James Price see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ernest (Arthur) Poole see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Harold Poole see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Willie Poole see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Maurice Preston see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Arthur Pullan see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Arthur Rawnsley see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Peter Raywood see Thornton War Memorial Egypt and Suez Canal

William Howarth Raywood see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Richard Nicholson Redman see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Edward G Rhodes see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

George Rhodes see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Arnold Richardson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Frank Robertshaw see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John Ferrand Robertshaw see Thornton War Memorial WW1

(Benny) Linton Robertshaw see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Donhirt Robertshaw see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Albert Robinson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Arthur L(ewis) Robinson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Edgar Robinson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Edwin Robinson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ellis Robinson, see The former New Road Congregational Church

Ernest Robinson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Fred Robinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

George Thomas Robinson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Gladwin Robinson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Herbert Robinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

John C Robinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

J. R. Robinson see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Morris Robinson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Pearson Robinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Sam Robinson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

William A Robinson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Willie Robinson see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Owen Rourke see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Harry Rouse see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Rumbould see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Wilfred Salmon see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Thomas Saul see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Wilfred Scott see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Charles Seales see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Horace Seekin see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James W. Shackleton see Thornton War Memorial WW1

James W. Shackleton see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Benjamin Sharpe see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Shaw see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ernest Simpson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Walter Simpson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Archbell D. Smith see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

George S(aunders) Smith see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Smith see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Joseph Smith see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Landa Smith see Thornton War Memorial WW1

George E(mund) Smithson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Ernest Southwart see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

John Speight see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harold Stephenson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ellis Suddards see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Campbell Sugden see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Ralph Sugden see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Donald Selwyn Sunderland see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Sunderland see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Ira Sunderland see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Frank Sutcliffe see Thornton War Memorial WW1

John S. Swales see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Fred Taylor see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Edmund Teale see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Harry Thackeray see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Douglas Thornton see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Fred Thornton see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Walter Thornton see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

John Carr Throup see Thornton War Memorial WW2

James Towers see the former Sacred Heart Roman CatholicChurch War Memorial WW2

Clarence Varley see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Frank William Varley see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sam Varley see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Wilfred Varley see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James Herbert Waddington see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Julian Waddington see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Laurie Waddington see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Joseph Walker see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Kenneth Walker see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW2 (survived)

Percy Herbert Walker see Thornton War Memorial WW1

William Walker see Thornton War Memorial WW2

Wallace Ward see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

George Naylor Waterworth see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Richard James Waterworth see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Harry Watkin see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Alfred Watmough see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Edgar Watmough see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Frank Watmough see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Sam Watmough see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Watmuff see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1 (survived)

Cyril Wharton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Fred Wharton see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

James Whinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Arthur Whitaker see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Herman Whitman see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Wille Wild see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Edgar Wilkinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Harry Wilkinson see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

William Henry Wilkinson see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Jim Wilman see Thornton War Memorial WW1

William Windsor see Thornton Methodist Roll of Honour WW1

Charles Wood see Kipping Chapel Roll of Honour and War Memorial WW1

Fred Wood see the former Sacred Heart Roman CatholicChurch War Memorial WW2

George M(ount) Wood see Thornton War Memorial WW1

William Sidney Wood, see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves WW2 (survived)

Harold Woodhead see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves

Jack Worsnop see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves

Joan Wright see Thornton Grammar School War Memorial WW2

Lewis Wright see Thornton War Memorial WW1

Arthur Young see Thornton Cemetery War and Family Graves

(Updated 11 February 2022)